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Radical Resilience – Filmvorführung (DE/EN) + Diskussion

Oktober 9, 2022 @ 18:00 - 23:30

How could we better deal with the difficult and painful situations we experience through our activism and in our lives? What unconscious tendencies do we play out in our lives that stop us from effectively processing our experiences, supporting ourselves/others through them, and lead us to unsustainable ways of working that can cause burnout? What forms of hierarchies, privileges and oppression do we recreate within our groups, how do they impact on us, and how can we change that? What effect does the loss of people, their skills and relationships, have on our movements? How can we keep our movements strong and sustainable, with an emphasis on caring for each other and being aware of our individual and collective needs? How much is enough for us to do in this world, where seemingly so much needs to be done???

Diesen Sonntag treffen wir uns gemeinsam um den Film Radical Resilience anzusehen und darüber zu diskutieren. Wie üblich gibt es natürlich auch Essen und Getränke. Bitte kommt wenn möglich getestet – es gibt auch vor Ort die Möglichkeit Masken und Tests gegen Spende zu bekommen.

Bis dann, euer A-Café

Wo: Wipplingerstraße 23
Wann: Sonntag 9.10.2022 ab 18:00


Oktober 9, 2022
18:00 - 23:30


Wipplingerstrasse 23
Wien, 1010
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